[Paraview] Map scalars, User question

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Tue Aug 12 18:49:42 EDT 2014

I have a user that is trying to do the following:

I am trying to do something very similar to what is shown under "Visualizing the Microstructure" at the following site:


I believe they essentially associate IPFColor_Z with red, green, and blue colors in the XDMF file.  Then, they load the file into Paraview and when they disable the "Map Scalars" option, Paraview just displays the proper RGB color for IPFColor_Z.

Is this possible with exodus instead of XDMF?  So far I have been unsuccessful.

Anyone have any ideas?

I have been able to create a .vtk file, with a UInt8 array.  When I turn off Map Scalars, this variable correctly paints from black to white.  But, if I try to create three UInt8's, for RGB, I can't get it to work.  I even tried creating an array in the calculator.

So, I believe the part that concerns ParaView is as follows - how to I create a dataset that  has 0xRRGGBBAA type data, that Paraview will just display as its color?  For instance, if I have 0xff000000, I want to see red.




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