[Paraview] Screenshot question

Nikita Singh nktasingh at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 12:04:32 EDT 2014


I'm using Python's Tkinter to display a screenshot from Paraview. As part
of the app, I need to "get" some pixel colors in the screenshot. When I get
the screenshot using my own computer's function, the app works correctly.

(Just to be explicit, here's the steps involved:
1. Render the vtk file in Paraview
2. Screenshot the image, save as PNG
3. Convert PNG to PPM using an online tool
4. Display the PPM on a Tkinter Canvas
5. "Get" the RGB value at some pixel in the PPM image)

However, when the screenshot comes from Parview's own method, the RGB
values are always that of the image background - even though I've tested
which image coordinates I'm "getting" the pixel colors.

Do you have an explanation for why the pixels are only registering as the
background image? Or why there's this discrepancy between the two
screenshot methods?

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