[Paraview] ParaView not building "pvserver"

William Sherman shermanw at indiana.edu
Sun Sep 29 23:30:33 EDT 2013

Hello everyone,

So I've been working on getting ParaView compiled on a new
Cray XE/XK7 system, and I seem to have made some progress,
but not enough to have ParaView running.

So my main problem is that when I do get the make process
to complete, it doesn't produce the "pvserver" executable.
Here's what it does produce:
	% ls bin
	H5detect               vtkmkg3states-pv4.0        vtkWrapHierarchy-pv4.0
	H5make_libsettings     vtkParseJava-pv4.0         vtkWrapJava-pv4.0
	protoc                 vtkParseOGLExt-pv4.0       vtkWrapPythonInit-pv4.0
	smTestDriver           vtkProcessShader-pv4.0     vtkWrapPython-pv4.0
	vtkEncodeString-pv4.0  vtkpython                  vtkWrapTclInit-pv4.0
	vtkHashSource-pv4.0    vtkWrapClientServer-pv4.0  vtkWrapTcl-pv4.0

So there's no "paraview" itself because I turned off the
QT-GUI flag.  As this is an HPC machine, I expect to use
it in server mode.

There is another problem, which I'm not sure whether it's
related or not, and that is that I can't get it to compile
when the PARAVIEW_USE_MPI flag is on.

So I guess my first question is: do I need to have PARAVIEW_USE_MPI
on in order to get "pvserver" built?  In theory, I can choose
to run with only one "pvserver" process, in which case it doesn't
need MPI, but in general of course one would run more than one.
But I think in other circumstances I've compiled "pvserver" without
MPI, so I'm not sure whether this is the problem.  (But I'm not
sure what's going on with MPI.)

I'll attach the "CMakeCache.txt" file since that may provide a
clue to someone who knows what they're looking for -- I didn't
notice anything that would indicate why no "pvserver".

As for the MPI issue, I continue to get a message of this type:

[ 19%] Building CXX object 
Linking CXX shared library 
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `mpifcmb2_' can not be used when making a 
shared object; recompile with 
-fPIC/N/soft/cle4/paraview/MPI/install-3.0.4/lib/libmpich.a: could not 
read symbols: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [lib/libvtkParallelMPI-pv4.0.so.1] Error 1make[1]: *** 
[VTK/Parallel/MPI/CMakeFiles/vtkParallelMPI.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

So the MPI version that I'm using is MPICH 3.0.4, and I've compiled
it myself, and I set environment variables to cause the -fPIC compile
flag to be used, but that doesn't seem to help.  Not sure what's
going on there, or what command to run to verify that the -fPIC
flag took.

I'm using this version of gcc/g++ for both paraview and MPICH:
	g++ (GCC) 4.8.1 20130531 (Cray Inc.)

There is one other thing I'm mention in case it's related -- the
Plugin's don't compile.  I have to disable all the plugins in order
to get through the compilation process.


	Thank you in advance,

Bill Sherman
Sr. Technology Advisor
Advanced Visualization Lab
Pervasive Technology Inst
Indiana University
shermanw at indiana.edu
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