[Paraview] Paraview Plugin for a textured polygonal object ...

Niklas Röber roeber at dkrz.de
Tue Sep 24 07:57:21 EDT 2013

Dear All,

I would like to have a plugin in Paraview that shows the earth, either 
as a spherical or equidistant cylindrical projection, along with its 
texture, orography and bathymetry. And I would like to have this as a 
Source in Paraview, in which I can load different textures, and set 
different scaling levels for the orography.
I've attached an image to show what I'm aiming at ...

The thing is not that difficult to implement, yet I am unsure how to do 
it it as a Paraview plugin. Ideally would be a plugin derived from 
vtkActor, yet this does not seem possible. Therefore, I am asking for 
advice. What would be the best class to derive my plugin from? In the 
end, all I have as output is polygonal data with a texture applied to it.

Thank you all for reading and your help,
Cheers, Niklas

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