[Paraview] Distance between points X Precision

Léo Pessanha leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 15:48:04 EDT 2013


I have a bunch of points, animated with the method of a bunch of csv files
with the same name like Anim000,Anim001,Anim002,...,Anim900.

It`s a lot of points and the distance between seem to be not big enough for
the camera, so i can`t see a curvature in the animation, it`s like a
straight line going up, not moving right/left how it  was supposed to do.

I thougt about prolonging the axis, or rescaling them but i dont know how i
would do that

I tried to multiply all the numbers by a 10^10,10^20,10^32 but it did not

Can someone help me, giving me a tip of how can i prolong the axis or with
any other idea, like a mathematical one to reproduce the numbers another
way so the distance gets percetible?

Sorry for the bad english!

Thanks in advance!

Leonardo Pessanha,
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
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