[Paraview] Scales

Gamble, Kyle gamblek at aecl.ca
Fri Sep 6 09:30:46 EDT 2013



Hi All,


This is a simple question but I can't seem to quite figure it out.  I just want to plot a variable in the view window and have the maximum and minimum values to not be rounded.  In other cases I would like to not have the maximum and minimum values indicated in the legend.  If I go into the color scale editor it shows the maximum and minimum to be 1897.4 and 605.195 respectively but the scale shown on the figure is rounded to 1.9e+03 and 605.  I would like those to show the values provided in the color scale editor.  Going to the colour legend tab allows me to change the title.  I see the tick format box but do not quite understand what to put in there to obtain what I want.


Thank you,




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