[Paraview] Plot over line

Colin McAuliffe cjm2176 at columbia.edu
Wed Oct 2 21:55:01 EDT 2013

Hi Samuel, thanks for the response. My line is on a boundary which  
remains a strait line so there is no worry of the line becoming  
curved. My data set contains mesh node points which are fixed in time,  
along with the nodal displacements which give the deformed  
configuration when the warp filter is applied. I can do what you  
describe but this will give me the POL of the undeformed  
configuration. What I want to do here is get a plot over line on the  
warped mesh, since I need to compute an integral along the warped edge.


Quoting Samuel Key <samuelkey at bresnan.net>:

> Colin,
> A not necessarily straight forward way is to use the Warp filter to
> remove the mesh motion (assumes you have the displacement vector as a
> point value in your datum set). Then the POL Filter end-points remain
> fixed with respect to the two nodes over which you initially placed the
> end-points.
> However, implicit in this approach is that the POL Filter's line is a
> material line and deforms with the material, probably not remaining a
> straight line as the time (or loading) progresses. It may or may not be
> the result for which you are looking?
> Samuel Key
> FMA Development, LLC
> On 10/2/2013 6:03 PM, Colin McAuliffe wrote:
>> Hello all, I would like to use a plot over line filter where the   
>> line is defined by two nodes on the mesh, which move in time,   
>> rather than defining the line with two fixed spacial points. Is it   
>> possible to do this with the POL filter as is, or will this require  
>>  some extra scripting?
>> Thanks
>> Colin
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Colin McAuliffe
PhD Candidate
Columbia University
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

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