[Paraview] HeadTracking in ParaView CAVE

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Fri Jan 11 12:47:03 EST 2013

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Emiliano Pastorelli <hogancito at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having some issues with headtracking in ParaView in a 3 screens
> environment (2 walls + 1 table). From the GUI (and also from the config
> pvsm file, but equal results) I tried to configure the following propertier
> connected to the tracker.
> a) Camera Position ( I mentioned it in a previous message), the vrpn
> server doesn't seem to feed the proper argument to the SetCamera function
> and so it doesn't work.
> b) View Position : when i start the vrplugin it gives me the following
> message :
> Generic Warning: In /home/hogan/projects/ParaView/**
> ParaViewCore/ServerManager/**Core/vtkSMPropertyHelper.cxx, line 429
> Call not supported for the current property type.
> And nothing happens.
> c) EyeTransformMatrix : close to be working, but when i move my head
> around the screens, the object doesn't move properly around the screens
> (while if i just move the object with the mouse, it goes properly across
> the three display, moving from one to another according to the position)
> d) ModelTransformMatrix : works properly
> Which is the "official" procedure to do the headtracking? Am I doing
> something wrong? The fact that it works properly with the
> ModelTransformMatrix makes me think that the vrpn server that i wrote for
> this tracker works properly, so i don't get what else i shall modify to
> properly track the head movement.

Connecting your sensor to the EyeTransformMatix is the right thing to do
for the head tracking. Is it possible that your numbers are too small? When
you move your head the position of the object may not move that much
depending on your object is front of the projected plane or behind. If you
can send me your config file, state file and what values you are getting
from your sensor, I can provide you exact explanation.


> Any hint is welcome before i go mad!
> Best,
> Emiliano
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| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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