[Paraview] Configurating the output for 2 monitors

Léo Pessanha leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 12:52:03 EST 2013


I am on windows, paraview 4.0.1

I've been trying to use two monitors to see my animations

Both of then connects to the same graphic card, each one of the monitors
has their own entry in the graphic card

They are side by side

Should i use -tdx=2 and -tdy=1?  When i do that i get 2 windows
 superposed, in the same monitor and i can't move them, they are both green
and i get the message error

Generic Warning: In
line 751

failed after PushToFrameBuffer 1 OpenGL errors detected

0 : (1281) Invalid value

Using a .pvx i get the same 2 windows superposed, in the same monitor, i
cant move then too, (even when they have borders) but i do not get any
errors and i can see the data

I've tried multiclients, but how can i use different eye angles with this

And duplicating the image from one monitor to another doesnt help too

Can someone help me?
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