[Paraview] opening legacy vtk files

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Mon Aug 12 12:12:04 EDT 2013


Attached is what I changed in order to get ParaView to load the file. Note
that VTK uses C indexing style (i.e. starting at 0). The CELL_TYPES array
shouldn't be removed. There were other changes as well so you should
probably do a diff on the two versions to figure out the difference.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Hayan Nasser <hayannasser at gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the reply,
> I have attached one of the files representing a frame from the
> simulation.
> The files would have been written by software designed in house at
> my university.
> If anyone could spot anything wrong with the file that would be greatly
> appreciated.  It seems to conform with the legacy standard.
> Many Thanks
> Hayan
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> ParaView is built on top of VTK so it can open legacy VTK files. I
>> suspect that the legacy VTK files got corrupted somehow. How were the files
>> created? Can you share one of the files so someone else can test it?
>> Regards,
>> Andy
>> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Hayan Nasser <hayannasser at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm trying to open a series of .vtk files in Paraview such that
>>> I can view an electromagnetic simulation in time.
>>> When I try and open the .vtk files, I am confronted with a list of
>>> possible file type readers to choose from, none of which is a
>>> legacy vtk file reader!
>>> Is it possible to open vtk files in Paraview?
>>> I've tried using all versions from 3.10.1 to 4.01 and I have the same
>>> issue with all of them! The operating system I am running Paraview
>>> in is Linux, Ubuntu 13.04
>>> Many Thanks for your help
>>> Hayan
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