[Paraview] Area integration on a part of a surface

Ganesh Vijayakumar ganesh.iitm at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 17:07:52 EDT 2013


  I'm interested in integrating over a part of an area on a surface. Like


  Now, I use thresholding on a variable that I compute using the Coords on
the surface to extract the specific area over which I want the integral.
The problem is the the area integral is extremely dependent on the details
of thresholding. If I change the thresholding just enough to include
another layer of cells in the original data, then the integral value
changes... else for any changes in the thresholding limits, the integral
does not change. And this is despite using Point data on the integral. Is
there anyway, I can get a smooth variation of the area integrals with the
change of thresholding limits? In other words, an actual area integral!

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