[Paraview] Auto save images

Tony McDaniel tonymcdaniel at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 15:26:32 EDT 2013


I'm doing the same thing you are in my research. I load a dataset in 
Ensight format, add calculation filters, slice and export images.

You can integrate ParaView into regular python scripts by changing the 
interpreter to pvpython. For me, this means replacing:

Then you can use 'from paraview.simple import *' to access ParaView.

I used the Trace method that Alan suggested, and changed it into a 
function (eg. 'def paraview_process():'). This way, I can pass the name 
of the Ensight file to the python script and it automatically loads the 
data for manipulation.

For saving a screenshot, you should check out this sample script on the 


paraview-request at paraview.org wrote:
> Auto save images

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