[Paraview] How to display the cellNormals as vectors?

Pat Marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Mon Apr 15 22:09:37 EDT 2013

ParaView does a weird thing, in the "Color By" drop down menu, it show an
array named "cellNormals" but this array doesn't actually exist on the data
object, and it doesn't appear in the information tab.  So, as Berk said,
you should apply the Generate Surface Normals filter, and make sure you
check the "Compute Cell Normals" check box.  Then you can use the "Cell
Centers" to generate point data at the cell centers.  Then you can use the
Glyph filter to draw the arrows for the cell normals.


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Berk Geveci <berk.geveci at kitware.com>wrote:

> Does the file actually contain normals? I am guessing not. In that case,
> do:
> Extract Surface
> Generate Surface Normals
> Glyph
> If you had a vtp file (polydata) instead of vtu (unstructured grid), you
> wouldn't need to Extract Surface.
> -berk
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Pieter Barendrecht <pieter at redpanda.nl>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have just imported a 3D parametric surface in Paraview (from a .VTU
>> file generated by a Python script), and I'm wondering how to display the
>> cellNormals as actual vectors. Since a cellNormal has an X, Y and Z
>> component, it should be possible to use these three scalar values to create
>> a vector, pointing from the corresponding cell.
>> I know I can create a vector field with the Glyph function, but I'm not
>> sure how to continue from there. I cannot select any Scalars or Vectors
>> from the two dropdown menus/lists (they are enabled but there is nothing to
>> select).
>> Any ideas on how to proceed would be very welcome!
>> Best,
>> Pieter
>> PS: I'm using Paraview 3.98.1 on a Linux machine.
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