[Paraview] Python script timing question

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Tue Apr 9 03:09:38 EDT 2013



The page you sent me to was quite helpful, I also came across this page, which was very useful for generating scripts for multiple parameters a job submissions

I used info from both those pages and got my stuff working. Thanks.

What I ended up doing was essentially this
for num in range(0, 30):
  start =  time()
  finish = time()
  timestring = "Render %08f\n" % (finish-start)
  print timestring

but what I really wanted to do was call

And get the render time from the timerlog for each frame. The difference being that using the animation scene object I can setup more complex motions and changes and I'd like to time what happens in there.

For now my simple timer is fine, but at some point I'll revisit the animation version.


From: David E DeMarle [mailto:dave.demarle at kitware.com]
Sent: 08 April 2013 16:44
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Python script timing question

See the paraview.benchmark python module.
http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Batch_Processing serves as an example.
The module is pretty old at this point and probably needs to be updated to work with modern ParaView. If there is significant interest I could do so .

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch<mailto:biddisco at cscs.ch>> wrote:
I'd like to run some benchmarks with P different parameters in paraview and Python scripting (which I almost never use) seems like a good option.

Is it possible, to run an animation over N time steps and record the render time for each of the N frames and save that time to a CSV like file?
I usually use the timer log to get the last N still renders after running an animation and save that, but from Python, perhaps there is a nice way of scripting this?

Thanks for any help, examples very welcome if anyone has any.


John Biddiscombe,                        email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch<http://cscs.ch>
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07<tel:%2B41%20%2891%29%20610.82.07>
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