[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Geometric center of Dataset

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Tue Apr 2 05:26:38 EDT 2013


The thing is I have a composite dataset, the commands above i guess work
only for "simple dataset"

So I found that these commands for for a composite dataset and they make a
copy of input.

*from paraview.vtk.dataset_adapter import numpyTovtkDataArray *

* *

*def flatten(input, output):*
* *

* # Copy the cells etc.*
* *

* output.ShallowCopy(input)*
* *

* newPoints = vtk.vtkPoints()*
* *

* numPoints = input.GetNumberOfPoints()*
* *

* for i in range(0, numPoints):*
* *

* coord = input.GetPoint(i)*
* *

* x, y, z = coord[:3]*

Now after I have made these copy of the input from my composite dataset, I
can not print it to the output using the following:

*print mean(coord)*

and I get the following error :

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 26, in <module>

File "<string>", line 13, in RequestData

NameError: global name 'coord' is not defined

Does anybody know why I get this error and how I can fix it and so how I
can get the geometric center of a composite dataset ?

Thanks in advance for your help

On 29 March 2013 08:52, Favre Jean <jfavre at cscs.ch> wrote:

> If you are looking for the Centroid of the dataset, then I would propose 3
> lines of python in a Programmable Filter, using numpy's mean. Cut and paste
> in the script section of a PF:
> from paraview.vtk.dataset_adapter import numpyTovtkDataArray
> coords = inputs[0].Points
> print mean(coords)
> see page 85 of the ParaViewManual for other examples
> http://www.paraview.org/files/v3.98/ParaViewManual.v3.98.pdf
> -----------------
> Jean
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