[Paraview] build error with boost and additional questions

Chourasia, Amit amit at sdsc.edu
Tue Mar 27 13:56:18 EDT 2012

Utkarsh and Joe: Thanks for the tip.

On Mar 27, 2012, at 11:44 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

> All plugins are indeed optional. If you build your server statically,
> it will include all plugins that were enabled at build time so you may
> get a warning message when a client connects to the server to load the
> missing plugins on the client as well, at which point they can be
> loaded on cleint.
> Utkarsh
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Chourasia, Amit <amit at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>> Rob and Aashish: Ok so boost 1.45.0 worked fine with Paraview 3.14
>> Can someone confirm that Paraview client and server (remote) do not require
>> same sets of plugin on either end.
>> Is there a required minimal plugin set?
>> Thanks
>> --Amit
>> On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Robert Maynard wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The ParaView Binary page ( http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView_Binaries )
>> which version of each library ParaView is built against. ParaView 3.14 used
>> Boost 1.45.0.
>> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Chourasia, Amit <amit at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>>> Yes, I found the bug report by a web search as well.
>>> I tried boost_1_47_0 with same error
>>> Since the build take quite some time, I would like to know if there is a
>>> known version of boost which works Paraview3.14
>>> On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:29 PM, Aashish Chaudhary wrote:
>>> There is already a bug report for this:
>>> http://www.vtk.org/Bug/bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=12988&graph=dependency
>>> I believe that boost_1_49_0 won't work, Can you try earlier versions?
>>> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Chourasia, Amit <amit at sdsc.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have tried building Paraview3.14 with boost_1_49_0 and boost_1_47_0
>>>> versions.
>>>> I get the following error, is there a fix or workaround besides disabling
>>>> boost altogether.
>>>> Please see ERROR below
>>>> Since I am doing this build for general purpose use on one of the big
>>>> cluster what are canonical
>>>> plugins which should be built? I am using the options as listed at the
>>>> end of the message
>>>> Burlen mentioned sometime back that in the new version of Paraview the
>>>> client and server will not require same plugins on both ends. Is this now
>>>> possible?
>>>> Please also point me to documentation on how to create a Paraview profile
>>>> for end users to easily use it remotely with client-server interface
>>>> Thanks
>>>> --Amit
>>>> ERROR
>>>> *************************
>>>> [ 49%] Building CXX object
>>>> VTK/Infovis/CMakeFiles/vtkInfovis.dir/vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree.cxx.o
>>>> /usr/include/c++/4.1.2/backward/backward_warning.h(32): warning #1224:
>>>> #warning directive: This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated
>>>> header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section
>>>> of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header
>>>> for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or <iostream> instead of the
>>>> deprecated header <iostream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
>>>>  #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated
>>>> header. \
>>>>  ^
>>>> /oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/ParaView-3.14.0-Source/VTK/Common/vtkMath.h(1304):
>>>> warning #279: controlling expression is constant
>>>>   assert("pre: valid_range" && range[0]<=range[1]);
>>>>   ^
>>>> /oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/ParaView-3.14.0-Source/VTK/Common/vtkMath.h(1334):
>>>> warning #279: controlling expression is constant
>>>>   assert("post: valid_result" && result>=0.0 && result<=1.0);
>>>>   ^
>>>> /oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/ParaView-3.14.0-Source/VTK/Infovis/vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree.cxx(56):
>>>> error: class "boost::detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor<vtkEdgeType>" has
>>>> no member "underlying_desc"
>>>>     return e.underlying_desc.Id;
>>>>              ^
>>>> compilation aborted for
>>>> /oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/ParaView-3.14.0-Source/VTK/Infovis/vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree.cxx
>>>> (code 2)
>>>> make[2]: ***
>>>> [VTK/Infovis/CMakeFiles/vtkInfovis.dir/vtkBoostBreadthFirstSearchTree.cxx.o]
>>>> Error 2
>>>> make[1]: *** [VTK/Infovis/CMakeFiles/vtkInfovis.dir/all] Error 2
>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>> ********************************
>>>> cmake \
>>>>  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
>>>>  -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_PLUGIN=EyeDomeLighting \
>>>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/paraview_build \
>>>> -DVTK_USE_X=OFF \
>>>> -DOSMESA_INCLUDE_DIR=/oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/mesa_build/include
>>>> \
>>>> -DOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR=/oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/mesa_build/include
>>>> \
>>>> -DOPENGL_gl_LIBRARY="" \
>>>> -DOPENGL_glu_LIBRARY=/oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/mesa_build/lib/libGLU.so
>>>> \
>>>> -DOSMESA_LIBRARY=/oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/mesa_build/lib/libOSMesa32.so
>>>> \
>>>> -DMPI_COMPILER=/opt/mvapich2/intel/ib/bin/mpicxx \
>>>> -DMPI_LIBRARY=/opt/mvapich2/intel/ib/lib \
>>>> -DBOOST_ROOT=/oasis/scratch/amit/temp_project/boost_1_49_0
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>>> --
>>> | Aashish Chaudhary
>>> | R&D Engineer
>>> | Kitware Inc.
>>> | www.kitware.com
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>> --
>> Robert Maynard
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