[Paraview] PV3.14.1 Extract Selection- PreserveTopology bug

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jun 20 10:57:35 EDT 2012

> Q1. Please help me in getting this resolved. e.g. Should I/can I submit this
> to the PV mantis bug collection?

Please submit this as a bug report to mantis. Off the top of my head,
I think this is so since the Query Selection extractor currently
doesn't support preserving topology. It shouldn;t be too had to add
support for the same (since the filter already relies on generating
mask arrays for extracting selections).

> Too bad the ExtractSelection/GridConnectivity filters do not support a GUI
> way to specify the 'insideness or 'status' array names.
> Q2. Would you be interested in a patch for that?

That doesn't sound like an intrusive change so I don't think anyone
would rest getting this patch merged in. Feel free to report a bug
with the necessary patch(es).


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