[Paraview] dataset crashes PV 3.14.0 when using multi-core

Vanmoer, Mark W mvanmoer at illinois.edu
Tue Feb 28 10:48:46 EST 2012

Hello, I have a dataset that crashes 3.14.0 when I've selected Use Multi-Core, but not when it runs serially. This occurs for both the Linux and Windows 64 bit binaries, and a Linux src build. The crash occurs whenever I try to draw something other than the bounding box.

In linux the error is:

$ bin/paraview
AutoMPI: SUCCESS: command is:
"/home/mvanmoer/builds/ParaView-3.14.0-Linux-64bit/lib/paraview-3.14/mpiexec" "-np" "12" "/home/mvanmoer/builds/ParaView-3.14.0-Linux-64bit/lib/paraview-3.14/pvserver" "--server-port=47235"
AutoMPI: starting process server
-------------- server output --------------
Waiting for client...
AutoMPI: server sucessfully started.
Wrong tag but don't know how to handle it... 41232
Aborted (core dumped)

The windows error is a  Microsoft C++ runtime error, followed by:

ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\src\VTK\Parallel\vtkSocketCommunicator.cxx,line
vtkSocketCommunicator(000000000A0AE810): Tag mismatch: got 1,
expecting 41232.

This also occurs for both legacy vtk and XML vtu versions of the data. The 3.14.0 binaries and src build are able to load and display the files in the sample dataset.

The 3.12.0 Linux 64bit and Window 64 bit are able to open and display the trouble dataset.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. Any help is appreciated,

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