[Paraview] Descriptive Statistics vtkPSciVizDescriptiveStats No model output dataset or incorrect type error in Paraview 3.12.0

Tuomo Keskitalo tuomo.keskitalo at iki.fi
Sat Feb 25 08:42:22 EST 2012

Dear Sir,

there might be a bug in the Descriptive Statistics filter of Paraview
3.12.0. I get the following error when I apply the filter:

ERROR: In /home/kitware/Dashboards/MyTests/ParaView-master/ParaViewCore/VTKExtensions/vtkSciVizStatistics.cxx,
line 455
vtkPSciVizDescriptiveStats (0x46126c0): No model output dataset or
incorrect type

That error comes up when:
- open disk_out_ref.ex2 from tutorial data, select all variables, apply
- apply Descriptive Statistics filter with default settings (task:
Model and assess same data)

This was tested with both binary ParaView-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
and a self-compiled version, on Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64.

Binary distributable version of Paraview 3.10.1 seems to work OK (no
errors, and it shows the statistical model properties fine).



Tuomo.Keskitalo at iki.fi

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