[Paraview] run paraview on bgp

samar aseeri samaraseeri at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 18 08:44:40 EST 2012

Dear Paraview officials,

I had paraview already built on a BG/P and would like someone to guide me how to run it with 'pvserver' please. This is the error I'm getting out of running the below job script. 

****************************** ***********

This resulted some core files and wasn't able to connect. Here is the error message:

pvserver: /bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_ 2010-100508P/ppc/arch/include/ 
spi/DMA_Fifo.h:517: DMA_ FifoGetTailNoFreeSpaceUpdate: Assertion 
`f_ptr->fifo_hw_ptr != ((void *)0)' failed.
/bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_ 2010-100508P/ppc/arch/include/ 
spi/DMA_Fifo.h:517: DMA_ FifoGetTailNoFreeSpaceUpdate: Assertion 
`f_ptr->fifo_hw_ptr != ((void *)0)' failed.
pvserver: /bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_ 2010-100508P/ppc/arch/include/ 
spi/DMA_Fifo.h:517: DMA_ FifoGetTailNoFreeSpaceUpdate: Assertion 
`f_ptr->fifo_hw_ptr != ((void *)0)' failed.
/bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_ 2010-100508P/ppc/arch/include/ 
spi/DMA_Fifo.h:517: DMA_ FifoGetTailNoFreeSpaceUpdate: Assertion 
`f_ptr->fifo_hw_ptr != ((void *)0)' failed.
<Nov 28 19:33:02.036271> BE_MPI (ERROR): The error message in the job record is as follows:
<Nov 28 19:33:02.036382> BE_MPI (ERROR):   "killed with signal 6"
****************************** ****************************** ************
and I used the following jobs script

# @ account_no       = k## 

# @ job_name         = paraview
# @ output           = $(job_name).out
# @ error            = $(job_name).err
# @ environment      = $PATH; $DISPLAY
# @ job_type         = bluegene
# @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00
# @ bg_size          = 64
# @ queue

# Load environment modules
source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
module load IBM

# Define the address of your ParaView client workstation

# Run pvserver with OpenMPI

mpirun -np 4 /home/samara/mydir/pvserver --reverse-connection --client-host=#####

Many Thanks

 From: samar aseeri <samaraseeri at yahoo.com>
To: "paraview at paraview.org" <paraview at paraview.org> 
Sent: Thursday, 13 December 2012, 10:13
Subject: run paraview on bgp

Dear Paraview officials,

I had paraview already built on a BG/P and would like someone to guide me how to run it with 'pvserver' please.

Warm Regards 
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