[Paraview] Behavior of a plugin reader that shares the same proxy name as one of the internal readers?

Takuya OSHIMA oshima at eng.niigata-u.ac.jp
Sun Aug 19 03:00:18 EDT 2012


My reader plugin shares the same name as one of the builtin readers of
ParaView (OpenFOAMReader), as shown in the following server side XML.

  <ProxyGroup name="sources">
    <SourceProxy name="OpenFOAMReader" class="vtkPOFFDevReader">

If my memory serves me right I read in this list that a plugin has
precedence over an internal object in searching for a proxy. Indeed,
in the past released versions of ParaView (including 3.14.1), the
plugin reader has worked well in overriding the internal
reader. However, with the git-master of ParaView (as of today), when I
open an OpenFOAM case, the constructor of my reader panel (derived
from pqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel) gets executed but "this->proxy()"
picks up the proxy for the internal reader. I wonder if this is a
design change?

Takuya OSHIMA, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
8050 Ikarashi-Ninocho, Nishi-ku, Niigata, 950-2181, JAPAN

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