[Paraview] pvbatch vs. pvpython

Burlen Loring bloring at lbl.gov
Wed Aug 8 17:25:47 EDT 2012

assuming that you've already examined all the output, and there's no 
other info, you could do a couple of things: put some print statements 
in your python script to see how far it makes it. Also you could use MPT 
specific environment variables that tell mpt to print a stack trace, see 
man mpi. A debug build may be helpful for this.

before all this debugging effort you may want try a very simple script 
to gain confidence that things are indeed working correctly with your 
build. I'll send a simple test script that might be of use for that.

On 08/08/2012 02:07 PM, Ganesh Vijayakumar wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Burlen Loring <bloring at lbl.gov 
> <mailto:bloring at lbl.gov>> wrote:
>     Hi Ganesh,
>     Sig 9 usually means your job was killed by the system. Is it
>     possible that you have exhausted the available ram or hit some
>     artificial limit that is imposed by your batch system?
> I can't think of any right away. The fact that pvpython was able to 
> run the same script should mean that there's enough RAM to go around. 
> In any case I'm using this machine
> http://www.psc.edu/index.php/computing-resources/blacklight#hardware
> And 128 GB of RAM is more than enough for my 400,000 cell problem. Is 
> there anyway I can get more information?
> ganesh

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