[Paraview] compute min/max of data array and annotate max and min values for each time step

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Sep 14 19:53:41 EDT 2011


Attached is the python script to use in the filer. I've added a new
MODE that can be used to set to use min or max.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Guzas, Emily L CIV NUWC NWPT
<emily.guzas at navy.mil> wrote:
> Utkarsh,
> Thanks! This works pretty well in serial. However, I took your
> MaxLabelFilter and tried to modify it to calculate and display minimum
> (instead of maximum) array values for each time step and for some reason it
> isn't working -- just assigns a zero value as the minimum. Could you take a
> quick look? I saved the XML file as a *.txt file in case my email tries to
> strip the attachment.
> And yes, I will be working in parallel, but not right now.
> Thanks again,
> Emily
> ________________________________
> From: Utkarsh Ayachit
> Sent: Wed 9/14/2011 10:08 AM
> To: Guzas, Emily L CIV NUWC NWPT
> Cc: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] compute min/max of data array and annotate max and
> min values for each time step
> Emily,
> Attached is a custom filter that you can use to label using maximum
> for point array named ACCL. You change the "ARRAYNAME" and
> "ARRAYASSOCIATION" variable to pick the array of choice. Also, though
> I've only implemented getting the max value for the magnitude of the
> array, you can change the python script to do a min or a particular
> component, for example.
> To test,
> 1) Import the attached file using Tools | Manage Custom Filters dialog
> (click Import).
> 2) The open can.ex2 from ParaViewData. Enable all arrays in the array
> selection widget on the properties panel. Hit apply.
> 3) Create "MaxLabelFilter". Hit apply. You'll see a label in the 3D
> view that updates as you animate.
> Are you running with a parallel pvserver? If so, I'll have to update
> the filter. It should work in serial though.
> Utkarsh
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Guzas, Emily L CIV NUWC NWPT
> <emily.guzas at navy.mil> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a ParaView newbie and I am trying to compute the maximum and minimum
>> values of one array (e.g. pressure or density) in a multi-block dataset
>> (*.exo) file in ParaView, and then display those maximum and minimum
>> values
>> on screen with text. To make this more fun, the dataset includes time
>> data,
>> and so what I really want to be able to do is to compute the maximum and
>> minimum values of the array and display them on-screen for each time step
>> so
>> that when I animate the data, the max/min values update as the animation
>> runs.
>> Could someone point me in the right direction for how to do this?
>> I looked at the Calculator filter, but I don't see any maximum and minimum
>> functions there (not that I expected to see them). And I just started
>> looking at the Python Programmable Filter, but I am not familiar with the
>> vtk class and so this route will involve a bit of a learning curve to
>> figure
>> out the syntax for what I need to accomplish.
>> Thanks,
>> Emily
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