[Paraview] CGNS 3.1 support?

Robert Maynard robert.maynard at kitware.com
Fri Oct 21 16:16:33 EDT 2011

Currently CGNS support is provided by the VisIt bridge so we are
limited to the versions they support.

I expect if that a large number of users would like CGNS 3.X support
we can look at the effort required to get that into ParaView.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Andrew Corrigan
<acorriga at lcp.nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
> Are there plans for Paraview to upgrade to version 3.1 of the CGNS library?
> Paraview does not seem to be able to handle CGNS 3.1 files currently, which
> is the version of CGNS my code exports data to.  Therefore, in order to use
> Paraview, I have to first run 'cgnsversion 2.5 data.cgns', which is an
> inconvenience.  Furthermore, the error message given is just 'Unable to find
> any meshes', which is not that helpful for users who don't realize what the
> problem might be.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Corrigan
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Robert Maynard

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