[Paraview] Load multiple files at once

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Oct 21 10:55:49 EDT 2011

This is not supported currently, but please feel free to add a feature
request to the bug tracker: paraview.org/Bug


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:56 PM, David Dupuis
<david.dupuis at cadensimaging.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I know I can launch Paraview and load a file using the following command in
> a linux terminal:
> paraview --data=file.vtk
> I also know I can load a group of file with different timesteps (file0.vtk,
> file1.vtk, ... ) like this:
> paraview --data=file..vtk
> Is it possible to launch Paraview and load at once a group of files with
> different timesteps and a few other files? Something like:
> paraview --data=file..vtk result.vtk data.vtk
> Entering multiple arguments after “--data=” like in the command here above
> doesn’t work. I also tough about something like this, but it opens different
> viewers... :
> paraview --data=file..vtk
> paraview --data=result.vtk
> paraview --data=data.vtk
> So if there is a way to load many files at once in a terminal, it would be
> very helpful!
> Thanks for helping!
> David
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