[Paraview] vtkHardwareSelection on vtkUnstructuredGrid

R M mlokida at yahoo.fr
Fri Oct 21 06:08:18 EDT 2011


Here's my problem, I want to select cells from vtkUnstructuredGrid using vtkHardwareSelector but this does not work.

I have seen on this  link http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkHardwareSelector.html#details  that "If you need to select other data types, consider using vtkDataSetMapper and turning on it's PassThroughCellIds feature, or using vtkFrustumExtractor".

But where I enable the PassThroughCellIds feature and how should I use vtkFrustumExtractor.

I have tried with vtkAreaPicker using vtkDataSetMapper but no result. 

Thank you for your help.
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