[Paraview] Displaying an unstructured grid of tetrahedra

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Wed Oct 12 10:02:04 EDT 2011

Yes.  All the display modes except volume rendering show only things on
the external surface. If you want to see that interior point, you can run
the extract edges filter to show all of the edges or run the glyph filter
using a 2D glyph of type vertex.


On 10/12/11 9:49 AM, "Michael Jackson" <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:

>I am trying to visualize the output from some volume meshing code. The
>output is a bunch of Tetrahedra. When I load the file in paraview
>(3.12.0rc2) I see the surface just fine but I do not "see" any thing
>connected to the single interior node. I have checked the file by hand
>using pencil and paper and the file seems to be formed correctly. When
>ParaView is viewing a dataset in "Surface mode" does it leave out the
>interior nodes or am I just missing something basic? Here is the data
># vtk DataFile Version 2.0
>Generated Volume Mesh
>POINTS 10 float
>0 0 1
>1 0 1
>1 0 0
>0 0 0
>0 1 1
>1 1 1
>1 1 0
>0 1 0
>0.5 1.5 0.5
>0.5625 0.6875 0.5625
>CELLS 13 65
>4 7 9 8 6
>4 6 9 8 5
>4 5 9 8 4
>4 5 9 4 0
>4 4 9 8 7
>4 6 9 5 2
>4 4 9 7 0
>4 7 9 6 2
>4 2 9 5 1
>4 1 0 5 9
>4 0 1 2 9
>4 2 9 0 7
>4 0 3 2 7
>10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
>Mike Jackson                    Principal Software Engineer
>BlueQuartz Software                            Dayton, Ohio
>mike.jackson at bluequartz.net              www.bluequartz.net
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