[Paraview] Redistributable ParaView OS X Package is unusable.

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Mon May 23 16:19:16 EDT 2011

I followed the directions on the wiki page to compile my own ParaView 3.10.1 because I have some custom plugins that I compile. The .dmg image was created just fine but the contained "ParaView.app" when launched only has a menu bar that has "New Application" menu. Nothing else. Yet when I run it from the Build folder everything works just fine. Is there something in the cmake configuration of ParaView that I need to set that tells CMake that I am going to making a redistributable package? The same thing happens if I try a "make install" from the command line. This is on OS X 10.6.8 with CMake 2.8.3 and the ParaView 3.10.1 sources from the web site.
Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net 
BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio

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