[Paraview] [help ParaviewWeb] Load Plugin

le Anh Dung anh-dung.le at insa-lyon.fr
Thu May 19 07:05:10 EDT 2011

I'm new to ParaviewWeb and need your help :)

Here is my problem: (all paraview versions are 64bits for Linux)
In ParaviewWeb: I want to load the AnalyzeReader and NIfTIReader to  
read the .img and .nii datas.
My ParaviewWeb was compiled base on Paraview 3.11, I tried to load the  
plugins in PWConsole and they seem to be loaded (no error) but I can't  
open any data file (.img or .nii). I tried then using pvpython and got  
the same results (no reader found for ....).
After that, I decided to use another version of Paraview to see what happen:
  Paraview 3.10.1: - In pvpython: AnalyzeReader works, NIfTIReader NOT
                   - In GUI     : Both Work
  Paraview 3.8.1 : - In pvpython: Both NOT work
                   - IN GUI     : Both Work

I cant figure out what's going wrong here.
Could someone please help me ?
Many thanks!
Have a nice day!

Anh Dung LE.
INSA de Lyon - Télécommunications, Services & Usages

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