[Paraview] Segmentation Fault with vkt Unstructured Data file

Seth Gilchrist seth at mech.ubc.ca
Mon May 16 18:35:02 EDT 2011

Hello all,
I wrote a program to translate a Gmsh mesh into a vtkUnstructuredGrid.  The
translation is successful and the resulting ASCII vtk file matches the vtk

However, when I try to open it in ParaView I get a segmentation fault.

I have posted the original Gmsh file at http://ubuntuone.com/p/tlB/
and the resulting vtk file at http://ubuntuone.com/p/tlA/

Can anybody else open this file?  If not, what could be the problem?


ParaView 3.8.1 64-bit
Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit
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