[Paraview] PV 3.10.1 integration over a surface

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at inria.fr
Sun Jun 19 12:52:32 EDT 2011

Andy Bauer wrote:
> One way is to use the calculator filter to multiply the pressure by 
> the normal to get force per unit area on the cylinder.  Then you can 
> use the integrate variables filter to get the total force on it. 
> If you don't have normals on your cylinder, you can use the generate 
> surface normals filter but that only works for polydata.  The extract 
> surface should get you from any other data set to the polydata you want.
I have cell normals (vector) next I do
cell data to point data
extract surface
when I do calculator, the cell normal vector is not in the list. How do 
I get the cell normal vector in the calculator list?
Thanks for your help,
> Andy
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Stephen Wornom 
> <stephen.wornom at inria.fr <mailto:stephen.wornom at inria.fr>> wrote:
>     How does one compute the integral of P Normal ds ?
>     where Normal is the surface normal vector
>     click on integrate variables computes the integral of P ds
>     I would like
>     Fx = integral of P nx ds
>     where nx ds is the surface area normal to the x-direction.
>     Hope my question is clear.
>     Stephen
>     p.s.
>     The surface in question is a cylinder
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stephen.wornom at inria.fr
2004 route des lucioles - BP93
Sophia Antipolis
06902 CEDEX
Tel: 04 92 38 50 54
Fax: 04 97 15 53 51

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