[Paraview] PV 3.10.1 integration over a surface

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Sun Jun 19 10:16:38 EDT 2011

One way is to use the calculator filter to multiply the pressure by the
normal to get force per unit area on the cylinder.  Then you can use the
integrate variables filter to get the total force on it.

If you don't have normals on your cylinder, you can use the generate surface
normals filter but that only works for polydata.  The extract surface should
get you from any other data set to the polydata you want.


On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Stephen Wornom <stephen.wornom at inria.fr>wrote:

> How does one compute the integral of P Normal ds ?
> where Normal is the surface normal vector
> click on integrate variables computes the integral of P ds
> I would like
> Fx = integral of P nx ds
> where nx ds is the surface area normal to the x-direction.
> Hope my question is clear.
> Stephen
> p.s.
> The surface in question is a cylinder
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