[Paraview] How to create polar plot in Paraview

Shailender Kanwar shailender.kanwar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 03:12:33 EDT 2011

Well the data is very simple. It just has two columns one containing angles
from 0 - 360 degrees and the corresponding value for each angle.
The plotting has to be done in polar coordinates using the value as radius
and the angle as theta.

I am working on a custom app and need to make a plugin using c++. So need to
know whether there is some existing filter that I can tweak to get the job
done or I need to create my own class.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:05 PM, pratik <pratik.mallya at gmail.com> wrote:

>  What kind of data do you have? If it is simply a 2d grid, then i don't
> think that there should be a problem.
> If you're problem is that you don't have the coordinates, then you might be
> able to write a simple python script to
> generate it (in whatever file format you are using).
> -pratik
> On Wednesday 15 June 2011 10:28 AM, Shailender Kanwar wrote:
> Hi
> I need to plot some data on a 2D polar plot. Is there pre existing
> functionality in Paraview or VTK for this purpose?
> I have looked at the classes provided by VTK but couldn't find any thing
> that would do the job.
> --
> Shailender Kanwar
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Shailender Kanwar
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