[Paraview] Recommendations for display of 4D color dataset

Richard Beare richard.beare at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 01:02:44 EDT 2011

I'm investigating methods for display of a 4D microscopy dataset. I'd
like to be able to reproduce the style of display provided by Imaris,
however I'm not entirely sure how Imaris does it. It may be volume
rendering or a clever surface rendering.

The data is from a confocal microscope and has 3 fluorescent channels.
I can convert the data to many forms - at present I have it as 3
channel mha and 3 individual mha files.

The things I've tried are 1) volume rendering each channel
independently and applying a red, green or blue colormap. However I
don't seem to be able to set a different colormap for each volume. 2)
using the contour filter to create several contours for each channel
and colour the result. If I use a solid color for each channel and
play with opacity I can get interesting results. However I'd like to
be able to colour according to underlying brightness. I have the same
trouble with colourmaps in this approach as I do for the volume
rendering - I am only able to set one colourmap. A temporary option is
to use the colourmap for the most important channel and use solid
colors for the others.

Is anyone able to recommend a better way?


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