[Paraview] Concept: A world without Any Bugs

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jun 8 17:01:01 EDT 2011

I'm pretty sure the Ghost level request is coming from the
representation, namely
vtkGeometryRepresentation::RequestUpdateExtent(). Can you check where
the first Update is coming from?


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch> wrote:
> Utkarsh
> Since you brought up the topic of not "apply"ing filters on creation. Can you tell me a quick fix of how to prevent this related bug of multiple execution of filters ...
> Example
> 1) Load a dataset in parallel
> 2) Add a Probe Location filter.
> I've added output messages to the executives to say when NeedToUpdate returns true and why and here's what I get.
> On creation of the filter and hitting apply
> vtkPProbeFilter DDP NeedtoUpdate Pipeline Time
> vtkPProbeFilter DDP NeedtoUpdate Pipeline Time
> Immediatly afterwards ...the probe updates again but this time
> vtkPProbeFilter SDDP NeedtoUpdate GhostLevel
> vtkPProbeFilter SDDP NeedtoUpdate GhostLevel
> Some of these operations take a very long time in my case and having to execute twice is very painful. The trouble is I can't seem to shut the ghostlevel request off (I'm handling ghosts manually, so I don't need ghost levels specified in the information - though I'd rather use the information, but have a ghost region as a 3D extent not a 'level')
> Can you tell me where the ghost level is being set. I've put breakpoints on all the obvious places ...but somewhere in one of the geometry/surface/other display filters it must be being set afterwards
> Thanks
> JB
> -----Original Message-----
> From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Utkarsh Ayachit
> Sent: 01 June 2011 21:31
> To: ParaView
> Subject: [Paraview] Concept: A world without the Apply button
> Folks,
> I have been investigating the ability to create pipelines in ParaView
> without having to hit Apply at every single stage in the pipeline.
> This would make it much easier to deal with really large data in a
> usage scenario where the scientist is fairly familiar with the
> visualization pipeline he's interested in setting up.
> Following the recent changes to the ParaView ServerManager, the
> ServerManager level requirement that filters need to be updated before
> connecting has disappeared. However, we still need to "Apply" to get
> updated information about arrays etc.
> After a couple on discussions with Berk and Dave, I've consolidated
> the thoughts on a Wiki page. If any one has any thoughts to share, it
> would be great.
> http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/index.php/No-Apply_Mechanism_for_Creating_Pipelines
> Note that this is merely a concept. We have no plans of implementing
> it in near future (3.12/4.0).
> Utkarsh
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