[Paraview] Python + ParaView

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 09:05:20 EDT 2011


I'm just taking first steps with ParaView's Python interface and
figured out so far that

================ *snip* ================
exodusReader = ExodusIIReader( FileName="solution.e" )
Show( exodusReader )
================ *snap* ================

would plot the mesh that is stored in the ExodusII file solution.e,
and that can play around with GetActiveView() to adjust camera angles
and such.

What I haven't found out though is how to plot actual point data. I get

>>> exodusReader.PointData[:]
[Array: GlobalNodeId, Array: PedigreeNodeId, Array: A, Array: psi,
Array: thickness]

and l'm looking at the 2-component array "psi". For example, I'd like
to do something like

    res =  sqrt( component1**2 + component2**2 )

and have res[:] rendered on the mesh with a certain color map.

Any hints?


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