[Paraview] Lines, Splines and Tubes

Brian C. Panneton (CONTR) brian.c.panneton.ctr at us.army.mil
Wed Jun 1 13:24:28 EDT 2011

I have a vtkUnstructuredGrid with a bunch of points and lines. For each 
of the lines I want to overlay a tube and change it so it arcs like a 
rainbow. What is the best way to go about doing this?

Right now it looks like I need to use splines and tubes, however it 
seems difficult to create a spline between two points. I have the two 
point ids in vtkIdType or the cell id of the line in vtkIdType. It looks 
like it requires a vtkPoints*. I'm not sure how to get a subset from my 
unstructured grid's points in that form.

Any ideas or example code would be great.

Brian Panneotn

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