[Paraview] N:M redistribution and coprocessing

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Thu Jul 28 13:40:26 EDT 2011


I've built and run coprocessing on a BlueGene P.  There are some scripts
available at https://github.com/patmarion/ParaViewAutoBuild/branches for
building it on the P.  You probably want the ibmbgp-pv-3.10.1 branch from
that.  From there, edit build_options.sh and change this line to indicate
the directory where you want to do all the building:
Then just run "./auto_build.sh do_cross" *

I'm pretty sure that it's been built on the Q as well but I haven't done
that myself.  If you look at the SC10 coprocessing tutorial (
http://paraview.org/Wiki/images/5/52/SC10_tutorial_full.pptx) there are some
instructions there for cross-compiling starting at slide 72.  That may help.

As for going from N to M processes, Pat Marion knows much more about that
than I do so hopefully once you have it built he can help you out with that.


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:11 AM, Atanas Atanasov <atanasoa at in.tum.de> wrote:

> Hello ,
> i am currently working as a graduate student on a project for N:M
> redistribution in my university and i plan to use the coprocessing library
> for this. Our system consists of a vis. cluster(some workstations + tiled
> screen display)  and a bluegene machine for the simulation. We have a c++
> code. Is is possible to work with coprocessing library on the bluegene
> cluster? Do you have some additional materials (technical stuff about the
> N:M realization)?
> Regards,
> A.Atanas
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