[Paraview] pythoncalculator with mpirun fails

Eelco van Vliet eelcovv at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 10:21:25 EDT 2011

Dear Paraviewer developers

Thanks for the new 3.10.1 release: finally I can get my python batch files
run in parallel including the text labels!

I have one small problem related with a parallel run of a python batch
script when pythonCalculator is included

I have added the script below this email and added to the attachment as

If I run the script with

pvbatch pycalc.py
everything is fine


pvbatch --use-offscreen-rendering pycalc.py
works fine


mpirun -np 1 pvbatch --use-offscreen-rendering pycalc.py

runs like a charm

However, if I do:

mpirun -np 2 pvbatch --use-offscreen-rendering pycalc.py

It crashed and I got a whole bunch of error messages

starting with
Process id: 1 >> Warning: In
/tmp/openfoam_build/ParaView-3.10.1/VTK/Parallel/vtkSochetController, line
vtkSocketCrontroller (-xd4a51f0): Already initialized
Error: Cannot find command function for "vtkProcessModeule""

If I change in the script the PythonCalcuator for the normal calculator by
substituting the lines with Calc for


Everything runs fine, even for the mpirun -np 2

In other words: the combination of mpirun on multiple processors with
PythonCalculator does not seem to  work

I have added the scripts and the error message in the tar ball attachment.
Hopefully can shed some light on this, as the PythonCalculator would be very
handy to use in script, also when I am running parallel

Thanks in advance!



try: paraview.simple
except: from paraview.simple import *


nbprocs = sm.ActiveConnection.GetNumberOfDataPartitions()
print ("RENDERING ON # %d cores: ")%(nbprocs)

U_pxz_y0_vtk = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=['U_pxz_y0.vtk'] )

RenderView1 = sm.CreateRenderView()

Calc = PythonCalculator()
Calc.Expression = 'U'

DataRepresentation1 =

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