[Paraview] Paraview python option "Show Plane" for slices

Raphael Muenster Raphael.Muenster at math.uni-dortmund.de
Tue Jul 26 09:14:38 EDT 2011


I am trying to make screenshots with a python script, in principal it 
works, but just one detail is not working how I would like it to be.
I applied a Slice filter with type 'Plane' to my input and I want to 
take a screenshot of the slice. In the GUI (in the Properties tab of the 
slice ) there is a check box "Show Plane"  that controls the visibility 
of the Slice plane. When I want to take my screenshot I would like to 
turn off the visibility of the slice plane, so that only the data slice 
is shown. In the GUI I would do that by simply unchecking the check box 
"Show Plane". I could not find out how to do that in python. Python 
shows me the following properties of the slice:

 >>>for prop in cutplane1:
...        prop.GetXMLLabel()

'Slice Offset Values'
'Slice Type'
'Input Bounds'

So I guess the 'Show Plane' option is not a property, so how can I 
disable it in python?

Thank you!

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