[Paraview] xorg configuration to use pvserver with multi gpus on one node

Jean-Christophe Penalva jean-christophe.penalva at cines.fr
Tue Jul 26 03:04:44 EDT 2011


  we try to make parallel visu with pvserver on nodes with multi gpus. To make a 
remote display we use the vglrun package.

  All their use of paraview seems to use only the first gpu (the one on the 
display :0.0). The others gpus (on :0.1 :0.2 and :0.3) don't make anything. We 
can see that only the memory of the first is fill, the others stay empty.

  Is there something special to make in the xorg to use all the gpus with 
pvserver ?

  Thank you. 

Jean-Christophe Penalva 
Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Superieur (CINES) 
Montpellier, FRANCE
Tel : 33 4 67 141 414    Fax : 33 4 67 523 763

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