[Paraview] loading state file ParaviewWeb

Luca Cinquepalmi cinquepalmi at planetek.it
Tue Jul 12 11:01:11 EDT 2011

Hi Seb,
ok... I tried with PWStates... My pvsm file was created with python... 
and it recalls some paraview commands. As indicated in user's guide, I 
created a new application, but when I load it nothing appears... can you 
suggest a more detailed PWStates user's guide? thank you.


Il 12/07/2011 14:37, Sebastien Jourdain ha scritto:
> Hi Luca,
> I guess you are talking about the PWApp which is a sample application
> of ParaViewWeb therefore is not really what ParaViewWeb can or can not
> do. But the limitation that you see in the upload form was just made
> to illustrate that is possible to filter. In fact in the configuration
> file you can set as many file extension as you want as well as the
> size limit or time to live.
> So yes, you can upload state files, but you won't be able to load them
> inside PWApp like that. You will need to customize the servlet that
> take care of the upload and instead of writing the file in the
> pw.gwt-app.data directory use the pw.gwt-app.states directory for
> .pvsm files. Unfortunately not all the state files will be supported
> by the PWApp as PWApp expect a very specific pipeline naming.
> Although, I don't know if you are aware or not of the PWStates
> application that allow you to create Ad-hoc web application based on a
> ParaView state file.
> Hope this help,
> Seb
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:03 AM, Luca Cinquepalmi
> <cinquepalmi at planetek.it>  wrote:
>> Hi Seb,
>> I would linke to upload a state file on ParaviewWeb (.pvsm file). Can I do
>> this or I can only upload vtk and vtp file?
>> Thank you.
>> Luca
>> Il 11/07/2011 15.45, Sebastien Jourdain ha scritto:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> You started well in the sense that the main page of ParaViewWeb is here:
>>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb
>>> Although, setting up a web server that use ParaView to generate
>>> interactive 3D content requires to build the tools and most of its
>>> dependency. On Unix type platform (Linux, Mac, ...) those steps are
>>> easy to reproduce which is not the case on window if you never did it
>>> before. Moreover, no-one (that I know of) ever deployed a ParaViewWeb
>>> server on windows.
>>> So you should consider ParaViewWeb as Unix only (server side).
>>> If you managed to find a Linux or a Mac for your server, you will
>>> first need to compile ParaView. I guess you should find enough
>>> documentation on the web on how to do it. Once you achieved that, the
>>> experience you gained during that process should help you
>>> understanding what is written in the ParaViewWeb building page. If you
>>> build ParaView, don't bother with the GUI and Qt part as it is not
>>> needed for ParaViewWeb, just disable them at configuration time using
>>> CMake.
>>> If you need some explanation on how to build ParaView on Linux, then
>>> post another email on the mailing list, some other community member
>>> may be able to help.
>>> Seb
>>> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Tom E<tjest at hotmail.com>    wrote:
>>>> Hello all, I'm sorry to post this, I've tried to find the answers myself
>>>> but
>>>> I'm afraid I need some remedial help.  I've been looking at the wiki
>>>> pages
>>>> and done a search here with MarkMail, but I'm afraid I need even more
>>>> step
>>>> by step instructions than I can find anywhere.
>>>> My goal is to use Paraview to render a .vtk file inside a webpage so that
>>>> others can view it and rotate it.  I found
>>>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_JavaScript_Introduction and I'm
>>>> trying
>>>> to get the header part set up.  I've downloaded TomCat and got that to
>>>> run
>>>> as localhost:8080, but I'm not sure how to obtain the PWService.war and
>>>> pw-config.properties files.
>>>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_Building gives instructions for
>>>> Unix
>>>> but I'm running Windows XP.
>>>> I'm not even sure I'm in the right place but my google searches sent me
>>>> to
>>>> cmake.org instead of paraview.org.  I'm afraid the instructions on
>>>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:Build_And_Install lose me
>>>> completely.
>>>> I've been trying to build Paraview with CMake thinking that was where
>>>> those
>>>> files would come from, but I'm getting errors generating it.  Honestly,
>>>> I'm
>>>> not even sure I'm on the right track at all.
>>>> Can someone please walk me through the process?
>>>> Thank you so much,
>>>> Tom
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