[Paraview] How do you set LIC parameters in a python trace script?

Burlen Loring bloring at lbl.gov
Wed Jul 6 16:29:57 EDT 2011


I am able to use a script written from python trace to render a LIC but 
when I try to change any of the LIC parameters also from python trace I 
get attribute errors (below). In the python shell launched from PV a dir 
shows these attributes, however dir run from in the script shows they 
are missing. How do I get the LIC attributes to be seen in a python script?


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "test4.py", line 60, in <module>
     DataRepresentation2.LICNumberOfSteps = 12
line 207, in __setattr__
     "to add this attribute.")
AttributeError: Attribute LICNumberOfSteps does not exist.  This class 
does not allow addition of new attributes to avoid mistakes due to 
typos. Use add_attribute() if you really want to add this attribute.

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