[Paraview] Extension to pq3DWidget

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Jul 4 10:37:09 EDT 2011

There;s a cmake-macro that does that for you (refer to
ParaViewSource/CMake/ParaViewPlugins.cmake for details). The usage is
similar to other plugin macros.

# Creates implementation for a pq3DWidgetInterface to add new 3D widgets to
# ParaView.
#   CLASS_NAME <pq3DWidget subclass being added>
#   WIDGET_TYPE <string identifying the 3DWidget typically used in the <Hints/>
#               for the proxy when specifying the PropertyGroup.
#   )


On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 6:59 AM, Tinning, Michael (UK)
<Michael.Tinning at baesystems.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to extend the pq3DWidget class by adding another type of widget (like
> the "Spline" widget already present).  Looking at the ParaView source code,
> the pq3DWidget method createWidgets() initially cycles through all the
> interfaces loaded as plugins, which are found using the command
> QList<pq3DWidgetInterface*> interfaces =
> pqApplicationCore::instance()->getPluginManager()->findInterfaces<pq3DWidgetInterface*>();
> My question is, how do I add interfaces of type pq3DWidgetInterface, so that
> I can implement my own 3D Widget subclass?  Is there a CMake macro to do
> this?  Can anyone point me towards a relevant example?
> Thanks,
> Michael
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