[Paraview] independent colorbar range in different views of same session?

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Fri Jul 1 13:56:40 EDT 2011


David, Emily seems to be describing that she already has two different attributes, so I'm suspecting that somehow she's mistakenly coloring by the same attribute in both views... 

Emily, as David is saying, (at least my understanding of) what you're wanting should be the default behavior. Make sure that when you click on each view the "color by" combo box changes which attribute it's listing, and that each colormap has "Automatically Rescale to Fit Data Range" checked in the colormap editor.

Attached is a screen shot that I made "right out of the box" with all default settings, just having the surface colored by different attributes in different windows, and choosing an alternative to the blue-white-red colormap for Elevation.

If you're still having trouble, maybe let us know which version of ParaView you're using, and on which platform, and whether you built it yourself.


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On Jul 1, 2011, at 1:36 PM, David E DeMarle wrote:

> Hello Emily,
> ParaView tries to use the same color transfer function for each
> variable in all views to ensure that one perceives the same value
> wherever they see a particular color. I expect this is what is
> happening here. What you might do then to get around this behavior is
> to create a copy of your array and color by that array in one view or
> the other.
> The simplest way I can thing to do that is to use the calculator
> filter.  First choose either point or cell alignment to find the array
> you want, then set the calculator expression to be simply the name of
> the array you are making a copy of. Optionally set the output name if
> you don't want the copy to be called "RESULT". Lastly choose the new
> array as the one to color by in one of the two views.
> hth,
> David E DeMarle
> Kitware, Inc.
> R&D Engineer
> 28 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
> Phone: 518-371-3971 x109
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Guzas, Emily L CIV NUWC NWPT
> <emily.guzas at navy.mil> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a ParaView newbie trying to visualize two different types of
>> time-varying data (let's say density and pressure) for the same analysis in
>> two separate views of the same session of ParaView.
>> I have set up the two views, where view 1 has the pressure data turned on
>> and view 2 has the density data turned on. I made a colorbar for each view,
>> and have changed the colorbar title to pressure for view 1 and density for
>> view 2. (To make these colorbars, I first clicked on the pressure data in
>> the pipeline browser, then clicked on view 1, then created the colorbar for
>> pressure; then I clicked on the density data in the pipeline browser, then
>> clicked on view 2, then created the colorbar for density).
>> However, when I try to change the scale of each colorbar so that it only
>> spans its data, then the colorbar for the other data is automatically
>> changed. Does anyone know how to set the colorbar ranges independently for
>> each view (say 1e5-2e7 Pa for pressure, in view 1, and 1-1000 g/cc for
>> density, in view 2)?
>> Thanks,
>> Emily
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