[Paraview] Tecplot reader from PV 3.8.1 fails on Linux Redhat CentOS

Richard GRENON richard.grenon at onera.fr
Thu Jan 13 12:26:04 EST 2011

Hello, all.

I have been using Paraview 3.8.1 with the Tecplot reader without a 
problem on an old HP xw4200 workstation with Linux 64 Redhat 5. The only 
thing that did not work was the LIC plugin because my graphic card 
driver was too old.

Today, my workstation has been replaced and I have now a Dell T3500 with 
Linux 64 Redhat CentOS, but the Tecplot reader fails. I get no error 
message, each array in the dataset is recognized with its correct name, 
but all values are completely wrong: each array (coordinates or CFD 
scalars) is in the range [0,9] or [-9,9] and the drawing in the 3D 
window looks like an aircraft after a crash! The problem appears both 
with PV 3.8.1 32 bits and PV 3.8.1 64 bits. I am using the binaries from 
the Paraview download page.

Our CFD software produces only Tecplot files and I have a workaround 
with a small utility that can convert my ascii Tecplot Datasets into 
ascii VTM Datasets, and at least the LIC plugin works fine on theswe VTM 
datasets.  But translating Tecplot datasets into VTM datasets is very 
annoying when I am using large CFD datasets for a full aircraft because 
it duplicates my data and it reduces my free disk space. Does anyone has 
an idea of what could be done to repair the Tecplot Reader on CentOS?

Best regards.

 Richard GRENON
 Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
 8 rue des Vertugadins
 phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
 fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
 mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr

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