[Paraview] Level of Detail (LOD) significantly slower in PV3.9.0 compared to PV3.8.1

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Jan 13 09:37:44 EST 2011


You are not seeing the OpenGL-render log events since possibly your
threshold is high. Simply change the "Time Threshold" to "Show All" in
the Timer Log dialog on both processes.

Infact I am seeing very comparable results. Am using debug builds for
both 3.8.1 and 3.9 (as of this morning). Here are my timer logs:

Interactive Render,  0.004477 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  0.000933 seconds
        Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 41,  9.2e-05 seconds
        Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 231,  8.8e-05 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  0.001162 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  3.6e-05 seconds
Still Render,  0.139497 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  0.1356 seconds
        Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 41,  9.4e-05 seconds
        Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 234,  9.5e-05 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  0.001332 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  3.6e-05 seconds

Interactive Render,  0.004025 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  0.001218 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  3.6e-05 seconds
Still Render,  0.143199 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  0.001369 seconds
    OpenGL Dev Render,  4.2e-05 seconds

I simply created a sphere with theta and phi resolution set to 1024.
Make sure that the "Immediate Mode Rendering" checkbox is the same in
both cases (I have it off for both).


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Stefan Melber <Stefan.Melber at dlr.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> ok - nice. Have although a look on the output of the timer - seems there are
> many other processes coming from 3.8.1 to 3.9.0 ... Why is 3.9 using "Still
> Render" and the 3.8.1 the "OpenGL"-Render?
> Best regards,
>    Stefan
> 3.9.0:
> Interactive Render, 3.79491 seconds
> Interactive Render,  0.029547 seconds
> Still Render,  7.85055 seconds
> Still Render,  6.95442 seconds
> 3.8.1
> Interactive Render, 3.73134 seconds
>     Execute vtkQuadricClustering id: 371,  3.69637 seconds
>     Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 166,  3.7e-05 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  0.029671 seconds
>         Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 41,  1.9e-05 seconds
>         Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 166,  1.6e-05 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  0.000517 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  1.7e-05 seconds
> Interactive Render,  0.014383 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  0.000274 seconds
>         Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 41,  1.7e-05 seconds
>         Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 166,  1.6e-05 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  0.00043 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  1.3e-05 seconds
> Still Render,  1.19411 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  1.19291 seconds
>         Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 41,  1.8e-05 seconds
>         Execute vtkPolyDataMapper id: 169,  1.7e-05 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  0.000572 seconds
>     OpenGL Dev Render,  1.7e-05 seconds
> Let me test it out. My paraview is building after changes to
> vtkAlgorithm, so it may take a bit :).
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Stefan Melber <Stefan.Melber at dlr.de> wrote:
> Hi Utkarsh,
> unfortunately this "lock" is on zero ... it must be another effect. And - i
> found it only on really big cases ...
>     Stefan
> however from the coarse view back to the detailed one pv 3.9.0 is about
> factor of 2-4 slower compared to pv 3.8.1.
> ParaView 3.9 has a feature which can be turned off by the user using
> the Setting dialog which results in ParaView delaying the switch back
> from Interactive render by a few seconds. You should be seeing a
> "countdown" in the status bar as that starts happening. Within this
> time, user can start interaction again thus avoid having to wait for
> fullres render when doing continuous adjustments to the camera.
> If you don't want it, turn if off by using Edit | Settings dialog and
> then on the Render View page, set "Lock Interactive Render" slider to
> 0.
> Utkarsh

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