[Paraview] Paraview network interface

Alexander.Siemers at skf.com Alexander.Siemers at skf.com
Mon Feb 28 03:04:35 EST 2011

Co-processing might or might not be what I was looking for!? 

However, I do not fully understand the functionality. Some questions that 
someone might be able to answer:
1. Do I need to link with the VTK libraries? This seems a bit heavy since 
I just want to send some data and commands to Paraview.
2. It seems that I need to setup Paraview before using co-processing, 
i.e., load a simulation result that is similar to the data I want to 
analyze, correct? This is not very flexible. I would like to send commands 
to Paraview to perform the setup. 
3. I would also like to read the current Paraview state (setup) through 
the interface and store it, is this possible? 
4. I do not understand "coprocessing library determines if any 
coprocessing needs to be performed at time step i", how can the library 
determine anything that is related to my data?

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