[Paraview] Bug?

Fred Fred stan1313 at hotmail.fr
Mon Dec 12 22:50:52 EST 2011

How is it possible? What is wrong in my code?I insert a face of 4 ids and get back a face of 64 ids!
  vtkCellArray *faces = vtkCellArray::New();  vtkIdList *fIds = vtkIdList::New();  for (int i=0 ; i<faceIds.size() ; i++) {    for (int j=0 ; j<faceIds[i].size() ; j++)      fIds->InsertNextId(faceIds[i][j]);    printf("inserting face %d of %d ids\n", i, (int)fIds->GetNumberOfIds());    faces->InsertNextCell(fIds);    {      vtkIdType nbpts;      vtkIdList *list = vtkIdList::New();      faces->GetCell(i, list);      printf("face %d has now %d ids\n", i, (int)list->GetNumberOfIds());    }    fIds->Reset();  }
inserting face 0 of 4 idsface 0 has now 4 idsinserting face 1 of 4 idsface 1 has now 64 ids
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