[Paraview] Returning a point cloud

Federico Milano fmilano at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 12:54:28 EDT 2011

Hi. I want to show a colored point cloud (vtkPointSet) returning from a
custom filter. In my custom filter, I prepare the pointCloud in this way:

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> pointCloud =


points is a vtkPoints and distances is a vtkDoubleArray.

The problem is that nothing is showing. If instead of using a vtkPointSet I
use a vtkPolyData and filter it with a vtkDelaunay2D, it shows some points,
but other points are left out (Do you know why is this happening?). If I use
a vtkDelaunay3D, again, I see nothing.

Do you know why is this happening? What do you recommend to build point

I would really appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance,

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